This must-have fifth edition of top-selling Case Files: Internal Medicine is reorganized by topic for easier learning during the clerkship, and is updated to reflect the latest guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of must-know conditions. 60 high-yield cases feature complete discussions, pearls, and USMLE-style review questions to help you excel in the clerkship and earn honors on the shelf-exam. A new Case Correlations feature connects related cases, and 25 challenge questions at the end of the book assess your ability to integrate and apply what you've learned.
Updated to reflect the guidelines on diagnosis, treatment, and management common conditions you must know for the clerkship
60 realistic internal medicine cases with high-yield discussions aligned clerkship guidelines
USMLE-style review questions and clinical pearls accompany each case
- New Case Correlation boxes connect related cases
- Challenge Questions assess your ability to integrate and apply your knowledge
Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like an experienced doctor