A Full and Arranged Digest of the Decisions in Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty, of the Courts of the United States
From the Organization of the Government in 1789 to 1847, in the Supreme, Circuit, District and Admiralty Courts : Reported in Dallas, Cranch, Wheaton, Peters, and Howard's Supreme Court Reports, in Gallison, Mason, Paine, Peters, Washington, Wallace, Sumner, Story, Baldwin, Brockenbrough, and M'Lean's Circuit Court Reports and in Bees, Ware, Peters, and Gilpin's District and Admiralty Reports : with an Appendix Containing the Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Rules of the Circuit Court of the United States in Proceedings in Equity, Established by the Supreme Court
出版Lewis & Blood, 1854