
In the magical world of Velaria, four champions have ended the ancient war between humans and dragons after slaying Ariyon, the commander and last member of the dragon's army.

It is said that all orphans come from the mother dragon and thus bear the surname "Dragonborn". Believed to bring bad luck to their communities, it was rumored that all orphans were to be killed after the war.

Nevertheless, a baby appears in a basket floating in a river after the final battle. One of the four champions finds this baby and decides to train and raise her, but this orphan has a secret nobody knows. Her name is Alena of Dragonborn.



Eighteen years later, Alena graduates with distiction from the school of velaria and starts a patrolling squad with John Narryn, the butcher's son who has also graduated from the school. Their first assignment consists on investigating an issue with a herd of Deynonichus that have been threatening the neighbor town of Blasta. They luckily erradicate the threat on their road to the small village but decide to visit the inn to inform the owners about their success.

That very same night, Kira, the young daughter of the innkeepers is kidnapped by a strange pair of goblins, who are more powerful than normal for their kind. Following the tracks of the kidnappers, Alena and John enter in a dungeon where, after avoiding all kind of dangerous traps, our heroes fight the pair of goblins to free the child. When everything seemed to be lost, a strange signal appears in Alena's forehead providing her a stunning power that changes the result of the fight...

Fourth Episode of the comic series DRAGON SWORD COMIC. Continue the story of Alena of Dragonborn and John Narryn and meet some brand new characters in the way.