Win Your Battles
註釋The Christian life is reportedly full of victory and joy and overcoming. However, many of us weren't told to look out for hardship, trials and events that didn't unfold how we wanted them to. Many of us have been left wondering why we have waited for years for answered prayer or hoped in vain for a situation to pass. I don't know about you, but at different points in my life, I have been through all of the above. Are you ready to take a brave look at scripture to find answers to your questions? Are you willing to overcome no matter what? Are the challenges you have faced too big for you to face alone? Get off the wheel of defeat and start winning your battles. The Father is glorified when you bear much fruit! Jesus said so! (John 15: 8) It is possible to enjoy a life-filled relationship with God as you work with Him to overcome the obstacles that leer before you! Win Your Battles takes you step by step through the scripture and some of my personal battles so you too will begin to Win Your Battles. Read this scripture-based book and trust in God, receiving His perspective on your problems and start walking in your destiny with faith and His power! Bethany is the popular author of several titles including Where's my mate? and Where's my money? Bethany and her husband own and operate two websites, PlanetTeach.com and HomeBuilderMatch.com