The Book of Time
註釋The Book of Time, Vol. 1 - Future History of Technological Orbits is the 150,000+ word esoteric First-Full Scientific Explanation of the Human Existence and Future of Humanity beginning with the creation, rise, and fall of Atlantis. And unprecedentedly provides The Extended Schematics for the Ai-HCSS Laboratory Masterplan and detailed instructions to integrate and apply rapid-vibrational Superhuman mental and physical intelligence elevation in alignment with fully-functional embodied Artificial-Intelligence Robotics for Human Assistance Integration.The ultimate goal of materializing the Human-created embodied artificial intelligence (HC-EAI) platform of perfected Humanoid Robotics, operating seamlessly in aid and exact replication of the God-created Human-body Soul machine, is the Final Frontier of the Human completion phase of the Earth-bound Simulation.Achieving this elevational graduation first requires complete perfection of the Universal Brain Mind, which constitutes the operational net-total-lifecycle Akashic Records of the present, future, and historical Reconciliations of all individual Souls.