Saint Faustina Kowalska
Rev. Tobias Hartwell's book, "SAINT FAUSTINA KOWALSKA: Saint Faustina's Hidden Diary, Revelations of the Afterlife," tells the astonishing story of a lady whose profound spiritual journey resonates with the deepest yearnings of humanity. This intriguing story dives into the life of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun whose mystical experiences and supernatural insights highlight God's limitless mercy.

Faustina's tale, from her humble origins as Helena Kowalska, who struggled with inner anguish and a need for purpose, to her vital role as a Divine Mercy messenger, exemplifies faith's transformative power. Rev. Hartwell expertly weaves together personal challenges, intimate encounters with Christ, and the weight of her heavenly vocation, creating a tapestry that is both accessible and inspirational.

This novel transports readers on a spiritual journey, exposing Faustina's dazzling visions of Heaven, the sobering truth of Hell, and the purifying love of Purgatory. Each chapter describes her interactions with Jesus, who entrusted her with a message of hope and peace for a world in despair. Rev. Hartwell's rich descriptions and emotional depth capture the spirit of Faustina's experiences, inspiring readers to reflect on their own travels and the mercy that awaits them.

Discover the profound meaning of the Divine Mercy devotion, the history of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the powerful prayers that stem from Faustina's insights. Explore the heart of a saint who accepted pain, interceded for souls, and became a beacon of hope in modern times.

"SAINT FAUSTINA KOWALSKA" is more than a biography; it is an invitation to immerse yourself in the depths of God's love and become a vessel of mercy in your own life. Rev. Hartwell's captivating tale invites readers from various backgrounds to investigate the transformative power of grace, providing insights that question, inspire, and uplift.

Join Rev. Tobias Hartwell on this fascinating journey into the heart of Divine Mercy, and let the life of Saint Faustina Kowalska awaken in you a greater knowledge of faith, hope, and God's incredible compassion for every soul.