註釋Before your next Amazon purchase please visit Amazon Smiles and enter Corolla Wild Horse Fund. Proceeds from this book will be donated to The Corolla Wild Horse Fund. Hey kids, It's me, Mandie! You have seen me running wild and free on the beaches of the Outer Banks. But I didn't always run and play on the beaches. When I was little, I was picked on. You see, I did not look like the other horses. They were all a pretty brown color. Their manes and tales were straight, and their beautiful coats glistened in the sun. Me, I was born snow white. Every speck of beach sand stuck to my coat. As for my mane and tail, forget about it. They are curly and snarly looking. I could never keep then straight. I would brush them... then... POOF! To makes things worse, all of the other filly's laughed at me. They made fun of me just for the way that I looked. I often found myself friendless. I would spend countless hours walking up and down the beautiful, majestic beaches of Corolla. Then one day, the most amazing thing happened, the ocean was lit up with an iridescent algae. I began splashing around as I watched the algae dance across the waves. I had no idea that the algae was actually sticking to my coat. The next morning, I awoke to the entire herd staring at me. " A unicorn?", "On Swan Beach?", They exclaimed. But, what were they talking about? I stumbled to the water's edge, when I saw my reflection, I could not believe my eyes. I was no longer mangy looking. I looked like beautiful unicorn! I tried to tell the herd that I was Mandie, not a unicorn. As always, no one would listen. Now that I looked different, everyone wanted to be my friend. Will Mandie stay a Unicorn forever? Come join us to find out! In this precious little tale, as we explore the wild horses of the Outer Banks. A perfect read aloud for the classroom that will encourage kindness, inclusion and self-esteem. This book also contains fun facts about the Ocean and the wild horses of the Outer Banks. To learn more about the wild horses check out www.CorollaWildHorses.org. The proceed from this book will go to preserving the wild horses. So that future generations may have the opportunity to experience the wild, majestic, and free, Spanish Mustangs.