Researching Potential Options for an On-vessel Portable Genotyping Laboratory for the Port Moller Salmon Test Fishery
註釋The Port Moller Test Fishery inseason estimates of stock- and age-specific run strengths for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) returning to Bristol Bay, Alaska, are used by the fleet and industry for planning and by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) for management. To produce stock-specific run strengths, samples are shipped to the ADF&G Gene Conservation Laboratory (GCL) in Anchorage for genetic analysis. Shipping the samples requires a vessel to deliver the samples to Port Moller and limits the ability to sample the entire transect. An on-vessel genotyping lab would eliminate the delivery time and potentially alleviate the need for a second vessel, saving the program funds. We investigated the feasibility of an on-vessel genotyping lab by assessing 5 DNA extraction methods and 3 genotyping methods we identified as likely candidates after searching the literature and evaluating the experience of other researchers. Among the variables we assessed were cost, space needs, skills needed, sensitivity to movement, method accuracy, and data compatibility with the current methods. Based on these assessments, we identified the Macherey-Nagel extraction and Fluidigm genotyping methods as the most promising. These could be housed in a modified shipping container with equipment placed on pneumatic antivibration base(s). Raw genotyping data would be sent via satellite internet to the GCL for scoring, mixed stock analysis, and reporting. Personnel selected to work in the on-vessel lab would need to be adequately trained and able to work on a vessel. We recommend testing these methods on a vessel prior to investing in a complete lab. We estimate that the base price for a mobile genotyping lab for the top-ranked methods would cost about $280,000. This price would be higher if redundant equipment or additional stabilization methods are required. This price does not include annual training, personnel, or supply costs.