Situation: Out of Control and Full Exposure
註釋From one of Debra Webb's most beloved miniseries, the Colby Agency, come two classic stories that will take you from the Colorado mountains to the gritty streets of Chicago.

Situation: Out of Control

Heath Murphy's assignment was supposed to be simple. Get close to Jayne Stephens and set the trap for her father, Howard, a notorious criminal trying to destroy the Colby Agency. But when the beautiful and elemental conditions of the Colorado mountains force Heath and Jayne together, he finds himself breaking the cardinal rule—don't get involved with the target. Can he accomplish his mission without betraying her…and still save her life?

Full Exposure

Angel Parker was a victim. She'd been forced by Howard Stephens to help him infiltrate the Colby Agency—or else her son would suffer the consequences. But Cole Danes, special investigator for the agency, isn't interested in her excuses. All he wants is to bring Stephens down, and he's quite prepared to use Angel to get to him. But he's not prepared for the effect she and her young son have on him when they are secluded together. Can he protect them and still get justice?