Local Probe Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Molecule-Based and Transition-Metal-Based Low Dimensional Systems Using Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy
註釋Of the many fascinating topics in condensed matter physics, this dissertation aims to cover three subtopics in some detail: 1) Functionalization of surfaces - using single molecules and/or atoms to change the behavior of a surface. 2) Low dimensional systems - 0D, 1D, or 2D materials whose behavior is often drastically different from the 3D world. 3) 3D to 2D crossover - studying what happens to materials as they are thinned down from a bulk 3D morphology to a single 2D layer. In addition to these areas of research, there will also be a focus on the modifications I made to the Toucan STM, and the rationale behind those changes. This portion, in combination with Niv Levy's dissertation, should serve as a user's manual for that microscope.