Lost Generations
註釋In 1944, J. Arthur Rath, a part-Hawaiian boy from a broken home, entered Kamehameha as an eighth-grade boarder. Thus began Rath's love affair with an institution that he credits with turning his life around, with giving him and other disadvantaged children of native ancestry-Hwai'i's "lost generations"-the confidence and support necessary to make something of themselves. This is the story of that love affair. In a lively talk-story manner. Rath reminisces about campus life and his classmates, many of whom became life-long friends and influential members of the Hawaiian community. Years later Rath, a successful retired businessman, would call on these same friends to hold Kamehameha's trustees accountable for their mismanagement of Bishop Estate's vast financial holdings and ultimately their failure to carry out founder Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's manadate to eduucate Hawaiian children.