Betrayed is a novel about an Iranian soldier/sniper, Assad Ahmid, sent to the United States. He goes by way of Venezuela, where he meets Raul, his handler, and gets his orders and a new name: Daniel Aikman, his deceased uncle’s name. It’s a Jewish name, so he has to take on the identity. But with his mother being Jewish, still living in Iran, it is not a difficult task.
With the aid of Juan Hernandez, he travels to Mexico, buys a sniper rifle and scope, and is hustled aboard a coyote’s boxed truck loaded with people who will be entering the States illegally. Aboard the truck, he comes to the aid of a Mexican woman, Isabella, who is being hassled by the other travelers. Together, they cross the border and travel to California, then across the States to where Daniel comes in contact with the person who is his target he was sent to take out.