Boston Museum Acting and Stage Manager Mr. E.F. Keach
Third Week of Tom Taylor's Great Moral Drama, The Ticket-of-leave Man. This Beautiful Picture of Every Day Life Will be Presented on Monday Evening, January 25th, 1864, and Every Day During the Week But Saturday: Also, on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. ... The Performance Will Conclude, Each Evening, with the Admirable Farce, Called Hit Him, He Has No Friends ... Admission 25 Cents. Orchestra and Reserved Seats 50 Cents. Children Under 12 Years of Age, 15 Cents. Exhibition Hall Open at 6 O'clock. Evening Performance Commence as 7 O'clock Afternoen [sic] Performance at 2 1-2 O'clock. Treasurer Mr. Geo. W. Blatchford
出版F.A. Searle, printer, Journal Building, 118 Washington Square, Boston., 1864