The second novel in the April Gardiner series. The world is not done with April yet...
After a long struggle with infertility, April has become a mother but is struggling to adjust to the competing roles of motherhood, whilst trying to do her best for the families and children she works with. Meanwhile, after having her two little girls removed from her care, alcoholic mother Samantha Bushell’s life takes a downward spiral. Worse still, challenges faced by other families and children, including fourteen-year-old, Isobel Thorne who, after bravely disclosing sexual abuse to her teacher, finds life becomes significantly worse rather than better. Can there ever be a solution for all this pain?
Although the novel is fictional, the characters and their situations are representative of the many families who come into contact with social services. Teresa Devereux is an experienced social worker and the stories are based on her personal experiences. They depict the reality of social work and the dilemmas and complexities social workers face whilst trying to safeguard children. Whilst there is sadness there are happy endings for some and a spattering of humour throughout as social workers and other similar professionals strive to support and improve the lives of these children who live on the margins.