What has happened to the Kurds since their great uprising against Saddam and the tragic exodus to the safe havens? What factors condition the course of the continuing guerilla war in Kurdistan? What policies have Turkey, Iraq and Iran pursued to deal with the Kurdish people, the largest ethnic group devoid of nationhood in the world? Can the Kurds establish their own distinct political identity, on a par with their cultural distinctiveness, or are they condemned to endless internecine conflict and tribal rivalries?
These questions are answered in depth in Sheri Laizer's new book. Informed by frequent recent visits to the frontline areas, she provides the reader with a clear analysis of Kurdish realpolitik, focussing on the political practices of the PKK and the other major Kurdish groups.
The issues facing the Turkish parliament and army, the long-term strategies pursued by Iran and Iraq, and the evolution of Kurdish democratic institutions are brought to the fore.