Farm Power and Machinery Management

The latest, extensively updated edition of Farm Power and Machinery Management continues the tradition of providing students, farmers, farm operators, and farm managers with comprehensive information on how to properly manage and optimize the use of mechanized equipment to reduce costs and maximize profits. This full-featured text analyzes the factors that comprise machinery management, explains the functions of the various machines and mechanisms as they affect economic operation, and offers contemporary approaches and procedures for making management decisions.

The authoritative coverage of current management principles and the machinery-operating details make this text an outstanding choice for courses in agricultural education, agricultural mechanization, agricultural business, and agricultural engineering. An understanding of agricultural practices, college algebra, and trigonometry are adequate preparation for using this text. Abundant figures, photographs, and charts, along with problems and laboratory exercises, reinforce the applicability of significant concepts, thereby empowering readers to become successful farm machinery managers and operators.

New or updated features and coverage in the Eleventh Edition . . .

• photos of tractors, implements, and special crop machines
• IRS policy related to farm machinery
• expanded list of timeliness factors
• instrumentation available to farm machines
• tractor test results
• required diesel engine emission control
• constantly variable transmission (CVT)
• tire data and oil specifications
• custom, rental, and estimated costs for farm machinery operations
• remote sensing of field conditions
• farm safety data
• number of machines on US farms
• US crop areas and values