
Refugee Girl is a memoir of Hang (Kim) Pham, a young Vietnamese girl escaping South Vietnam after Saigon's fall in 1975. Kim bravely tells her side of the story from her point of view as accurately as she can remember from her experience of her escape at the age of seven on a small fishing boat across the South China Sea.

After a week, the boat still bobbed on the dark sea. The food was long gone, along with any water, leaving nearly a hundred Boat People on the brink of death. Then the boat’s engine gave out, leaving them to drift slowly into the Pacific Ocean. Everyone wore the same expression when the water started seeping through a small boat crack. Death was coming…

The refugees whispered quietly amongst themselves, panicking but cautious not to alarm the small children.

At that moment, Kim thought she was going to die and exclaimed, “We are sinking!”