Consumer Drug Reference
註釋With thousands of prescription drugs available today, protecting yourself and your family from medication errors should be a main priority. Am I taking the right dosage? Does it conflict with another medication? If these are questions you or someone you know has asked, the Consumer Drug Reference 2008 is your answer. This comprehensive reference will educate you on prescription and over-the-counter drugs and help empower you to take an assertive role in managing your medications and the medications of those in your care. And unlike other drug references, the CDR relies solely on medical experts for its facts, not drug manufacturers' package inserts.
Inside you will find:
- Unbiased, authoritative information on more than 12,000 medicines; including vitamins, minerals and the newest drugs
- Full color identification chart of pills and tablets
- Drug precautions and side effects you should know before using
- Correct dosage and information on missed dosage
- General information about the use of medicine
- Free website link for updated safety alerts and new and additional drug listings
The most comprehensive information on prescription and nonprescription medicines...from the source you trust!
The CONSUMER DRUG REFERENCE is published by Consumer Reports in conjunction with American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Both organizations are independent and non-profit. ASHP is the 30,000-member national professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care, and other components of health care systems.