Introduction to Food Science for Kids!

Based on the popular workbooks for older children, Introduction to Food Science for Kids! is intended for ages 6-10, introducing food science concepts in a fun and engaging manner, teaching through kitchen-based experiments. Food Science is a discipline that's not well known, but the evidence of it is all around us, from our kitchens to our grocery stores to our favorite restaurants. Written by Dale Cox (B.S., M.S. Food Science with 23 years' experience in the industry), the ​​Edible Knowledge(R) brand of workbooks are designed to be used in a "home lab" (the kitchen) by homeschoolers and anyone else with a desire to learn the science behind the food we eat. Each workbook contains food science theory along with exciting and challenging experiments.

While the other books in the series are designed for ages 10 and up, Introduction to Food Science For Kids! is written for children as young as 6. The book contains 15 sections with fun experiments including Soft and Fresh to Stale and Old: Bread, Plus Egg Men Attack!, Fun with Cows and Whipping Cream!, Gluey, Gooey Gluten...in our Food?, Cream That's Icey and Smooth...And Lumpy?!, and many more. It is our hope at Beakers & Bricks that you will thoroughly enjoy learning about food science...

Knowledge that is truly Edible!