Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1996 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering
出版National Academies Press, 1997-03-07
主題Technology & Engineering / General

Space may have been called the "final frontier," but there are new frontiers to discover every day and engineers are the ones exploring them. Through groundbreaking research and cutting-edge technologies, engineers are now able to go beyond traditional boundaries, doing things that would have been all but impossible just a few short years ago. A sample of these exciting frontiers is revealed in this new publication from the National Academy of Engineering, which looks at new and emerging technologies to explain how they were developed and what new benefits they will bring. The book also highlights the kinds of pioneering research and technological work being done by some of the country's emerging leaders in engineering. Topics covered include microelectromechanical systems, design research, computer-generated visualization for design and display, and innovations in materials and processes.