Tricks & Pranks to Fool Your Friends
註釋Can you imagine scaring people silly by showing them a hole in your head? Or knocking them out with unbelievable feats - such as actually carrying a column of water with a straw? With these super pranks, which trick the eyes and confound the mind, anything is possible! Amaze and delight (and sometimes freak out) friends and family in no time at all, using just simple equipment. Everyone will go mad trying to work out how these tricks work, e.g: - Ask someone to fold a piece of paper ten times. It can't be done! - Walk on a piece of rope on the floor looking through binoculars - you get vertigo! - Play sneaky number games, do some double dealing with cards, and much more. - Lift an ice cube out of a bowl of water without touching it! * Each trick fully illustrated step by step by Buck Jones. * Fun and education in one package - kids learn about science and logic and performance skills, while having fun.