Defending the Gospel in Legal Style
Essays on Legal Apologetics & the Justification of Classical Christian Faith
出版Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017-10-25
主題Religion / Christian Education / AdultLaw / Essays
註釋Traditional apologetics is either focused on obscure, quasi-Thomist philosophical arguments for God’s existence or on 18th-century-style answers to alleged

biblical contradictions. But a new approach has recently entered the picture: the juridical defence of historic Christian faith, with its particular concern for demonstrating Jesus’s deity and saving work for humankind. The undisputed leader of this movement is John Warwick Montgomery, emeritus professor of law and humanities,

University of Bedfordshire, England, and director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. His latest book

(of more than sixty published during his career) shows the strength of legal apologetics: its arguments, drawn from secular legal reasoning, can be rejected only

at the cost of jettisoning the legal system itself, on which every civilised society depends for its very existence. The present work also includes theological essays

on vital topics of the day, characterised by the author’s well-known humour and skill for lucid communication.