Breaking Through with Mike Kettle
Daniel Fasting and Evangelism : Exercises Plus Real Life Hands on Training
出版Motivational Press, 2014
註釋Mike Kettle's first nationally released book entitled Breaking Through, Daniel fasting and evangelism Guide with real life hand on training, is Mike Kettle's first released book, released in the fall of the year 2014 by Motivational Press, Mike Kettle has several works in progress, this is the first one to be released. The Breaking through book is a how to, evangelical, inspiring, interceding, eye opening, life changing, truthful, powerful, prophetic, in depth, study guide and personal experience shared work, packed with the holy spirit and put into a simple 12 step plan and 12 week course for the reader to indulge in and dive into, that will never leave the reader disappointed but always hungering and thirsting for knowledge and wisdom of God, while packed with real life exercises, fasting exercises, bible scripture exercises and much insight into God's word from Mike Kettle's own experience and also from the thousands of years old word of God that was written with the same undeniable proofs and method that the Breaking Through book and guide gives you taught from Mike Kettle's own walk of faith and put into the Breaking Through book for you to now take on full steam.