A Chinese Gazetteer of the Hong Kong Region
出版DIANE Publishing Company, 2003-11
註釋In 1573 the Guangdong Province county of Dongguan was divided into 2 parts, one of which was named Xin1an Xian (New Peace County). Its 600 square miles of territory included all of what is now Hong Kong and the New Terr. The new county was poor, sparsely populated and harassed by marauding bands of pirates and land-based ruffians. This Gazetteer was the combined work of local people and officials. It dealt with the geog., history, economy, traditions and lit. of the area and remains today the fullest source of info. on pre-20th cent. Xin1an. This book looks at the 1819 ed. of the gazetteer, the last revision of it to be made. The English-language chapters are under 4 headings History, Geog., Econ. and Gov1t. Old maps have been redrawn. Inset map.