Crying In The Dark

Elinor has spent her life being bullied and abused by her uncle, aunt and cousins. Her mother missing, her father dead, she has been left her adoptive family's not-so tender mercies. The prospect of a holiday to Dartmoor seems like just a chance to experience the same awful life in a new location.

It's worse than Elinor could have predicted.

Forced to sleep in the smallest, darkest room with its musty, curtained four-poster bed, Elinor finds herself retreating into the life of another Elinor - Nell the nurserymaid, whose tragic story from three hundred years ago is at first intriguing, then horrifying.

When she becomes trapped in what was once her escape, Elinor faces forever stuck in a nightmare, unless she is willing to commit to the horrifying price of freedom.

You can find out more about the fiction Gwyneth Jones wrote as Ann Halam here: http://www.gwynethjones.uk/HALAM.htm