Letter from William Payne, and Others, Claimants, and Agents of Claimants, of Lands Situate in the Territory Ceded to the United States by the State of Georgia
Submitting Certain Propositions to the Consideration of Congress, in Addition To, and in Modification Of, Those Contained in the Report of the Commissioners Appointed in Pursuance of the Act Intituled "An Act for an Amicable Settlement of Limits with the State of Georgia, and Authorizing the Establishment of a Government in the Mississippi Territory," Received by the House on the 16th Instant, 22d February, 1803 : Read, and Ordered to be Referred to the Committee of the Whole House, to Whom was Committed, on the Nineteenth Instant, the Bill for Settling Sundry Claims to Public Lands of the United States South of the State of Tennessee