XML Topic Maps
註釋Foreword ; Preface ; Acknowledgments ; Contributors ; 1. Let There Be Light, Jack Park ; Opening Salvo ; Resources ; Topic Maps: General ; Topic Map Software: Commercial ; Topic Map Software: Open Source. -- What's in Here? ; Historical and Background Chapters ; Technical Chapters ; Forward-Thinking Chapters. -- ; 2. Introduction to the Topic Maps Paradigm, Michel Biezunski ; Managing Complex Knowledge Networks ; Primary Constructs ; Topics ; Associations ; Names ; Scopes and Namespaces ; Rules for Merging Topic Maps. -- The Big Picture: Merging Information and Knowledge ; A Step Toward Improved Interconnectivity. -- Design Principles for XTM ; Simplicity ; Neutrality. -- From ISO/IEC 13250 to XTM ; Summary ; Acknowledgments. -- 3. A Perspective on the Quest for Global Knowledge Interchange, Steven R. Newcomb ; Information Is Interesting Stuff ; Information and Structure Are Inseparable ; Formal Languages Are Easier to Compute Than Natural Languages ; Generic Markup Makes Natural Languages More Formal ; A Brief History of the Topic Maps Paradigm ; Data and Metadata: The Resource-Centric View ; Metametadata, Metametametadata ... -- Subjects and Data: The Subject-Centric View ; Understanding Sophisticated Markup Vocabularies ; The Topic Maps Attitude ; Summary. -- 4. The Rise and Rise of Topic Maps, Sam Hunting ; Milestones in Standards and Specifications ; XTM 1.0 versus ISO 13250 ; OASIS ; Current ISO Activities. -- Milestones in Software ; The Future of Topic Maps ; The State of the Paradigm ; The Near Future. -- ; 5. Topic Maps from Representation to Identity: Conversation, Names, and Published Subject Indicators, ; Bernard Vatant ; What Is the Conversation About? ; A Finger Pointing at a Planet. -- So What about Published Subject Indicators? ; PSIs Are Binding Points for Subject Identity ; PSIs Have to Meet High Quality Requirements ; PSIs Are Good for Pragmatic Bottom-up Tasks ; PSIs Cannot Pretend to Universality nor Strong Symbolic Signification. -- Back to the Conversation Subject ; Addendum: A Note on the Figures. -- ; 6. How to Start Topic Mapping Right Away with the XTM Specification, Sam Hunting ; XTM Topic Mapping ; Why Topic Maps? ; Appetizer ; Introducing, and ; Introducing ; Introducing. -- Main Course ; Introducing, and ; Introducing. -- Dessert ; Brandy, Cigars ; Introducing, and ; Introducing ; Paying the Bill and Putting on Your Coat. -- Summary ; Acknowledgments ; Resources. -- 7. Knowledge Representation, Ontological Engineering, and Topic Maps, Leo Obrst and Howard Liu ; Knowledge as Interpretation ; Data, Knowledge, and Information ; Knowledge Issues: Acquisition, Representation, and Manipulation ; The Roots of Ontological Engineering: Knowledge Technologies ; Root: Knowledge Representation ; Root: Knowledge Engineering ; Slightly Shriveled Root: Expert Systems (and Their Deficiencies). -- New Knowledge Technology Branches: Toward Ontological Engineering ; Branch: The Formalization of Semantic Networks and the Rise of Description Logics ; Branch: Constraint and Logic Programming. -- Ontological Engineering ; Ontologies and Topic Maps ; Ontologies ; How Ontologies Relate to Topic Maps ; How to Build an Ontology ; Ontology-Driven Topic Maps ; The Advantages of the Ontology-Driven Topic Maps Approach ; The Future of the Ontology-Driven Topic Maps Approach. -- Summary ; Acknowledgments ; References ; Selected Information and Research Sites. -- 8. Topic Maps in the Life Sciences, John Park and Nefer Park ; A Literature Review ; The Need for Classification ; The Five Kingdoms ; Kingdom Animalia ; Creating Topic Maps for a Web Site ; A First View ; Developing the XTM Document ; Where Are We Now?. -- Summary ; Resources for More Information on the Life Sciences. -- 9. Creating and Maintaining Enterprise Web Sites with Topic Maps and XSLT, Nikita Ogievetsky ; The XTM Framework for the Web ; XTM as Source Code for Web Sites ; HTML Visualization of Topic Map Constructs ; Topics ; Special Elements: Root ; The Special Topic Map Website Ontology Layer ; XSLT Layers ; The XSLT Layout Layer ; The XSLT Back-End and Presentation Layers ; Querying Topic Types ; Querying and Displaying Topic Names 190 ; Querying and Displaying Topic Occurrences ; Querying and Displaying Topic Associations. -- Summary ; Acknowledgments ; References. -- 10. Open Source Topic Map Software ; About Open Source Software ; Four Projects. -- SemanText, Eric Freese. -- Browsing Topic Maps ; Creating and Modifying Topic Maps ; Developing Inference Rules ; Future Plans ; Summary. -- XTM Programming with TM4J, Kal Ahmed. -- The TM4J Core API ; File Organization and Packaging ; Package Dependencies. -- Getting Started ; Using the Basic API Features ; Loading a Topic Map ; Creating Implicit Topics ; Saving a Topic Map ; Using the Advanced API Features ; Property Change Listeners. -- TMP3-A Sample Topic Map Processing Application ; Defining the Topic Map Ontology ; Designing the Application ; Implementing the Application ; Extending the Application. -- TM4J Future Directions ; Summary. -- Nexist Topic Map Testbed, Jack Park. -- The Development of Nexist ; The Past ; The Present. -- Use Cases ; Design Requirements ; The Persistent XTM Engine ; The Persistent Store ; The XTM Engine. -- The User Interface ; The Server User Interface ; The Client User Interface. -- Summary ; References. -- GooseWorks Toolkit, Sam Hunting. -- Program Design ; GwTk's Omnivorous Nature ; ISO Compliance ; Use Cases ; Query Language ; Current Tools ; Summary ; 11. Topic Map Visualization, Benedicte Le Grand ; Requirements for Topic Map Visualization ; Different Uses for Topic Maps ; Representation Requirements ; Navigation Requirements. -- Visualization Techniques ; Current Topic Map Visualizations ; General Visualization Techniques. -- Summary ; References ; 12. Topic Maps and RDF, Eric Freese ; A Sample Application: The Family Tree ; RDF and Topic Maps ; An Introduction to RDF ; The RDF Data Model ; RDF XML Syntax ; RDF Schema ; The Similarities ; The Differences ; Combining Topic Maps and RDF. -- Modeling RDF Using Topic Map Syntax ; Example 1: Markup Schemes ; Example 2: Topic Reification ; Example 3: Associations 301 ; Example 4: Bag Data Structure ; Example 5: Another Association ; Example 6: Multiple Occurrences ; Example 7: Another Bag Data Structure ; Example 8: RDF ; Example 9: Sorted Data Structures ; Example 10: Aggregation ; Example 11: Relational Data Structures ; Example 12: Dublin Core Metadata. -- Summary ; References ; 13. Topic Maps and Semantic Networks, Eric Freese ; Semantic Networks: The Basics ; Comparing Topic Maps, RDF, and Semantic Networks ; Building Semantic Networks from Topic Maps ; Published Subject Indicators ; Association Properties ; Type Hierarchies ; Topic Map Schemas. -- Harvesting the Knowledge Identified in Markup ; Identifying and Interpreting the Knowledge Found within Documents ; Summary ; References ; 14. Topic Map Fundamentals for Knowledge Representation, H. Holger Rath ; A Simple KR Example ; A Quick Review of Concepts for Topic Maps and KR ; Topic Map Templates ; Class Hierarchies ; Superclass-Subclass Relationship as Association ; Class-Instance Relationship as Association. -- Association Properties ; Inference Rules ; An Inference Rule Example. -- Consistency Contraints ; Constraint Patterns ; Topic Class Example ; Association Class Example ; Constraints and Class Hierarchies. -- Summary ; References ; 15. Topic Maps in Knowledge Organization, Alexander Sigel ; Suggestions for Reading This Chapter ; The Overlap between KO and TMs ; KO, Knowledge Structures, and TMs ; KOxTM: Impact Directions and Open Questions. -- What Is KO? ; Some Definitions: What Is and Does KO? To What End KO? ; Some Elements of KO Theory: On Problems and Principles ; KO in Practice. -- KO as a Use Case for TMs ; KO: A Primary Use Case for TMs ; Knowledge Networks in KM: A Typical KOxTM Use Case ; KO on Topic Map Core Concepts (the "T-A-O" and "I-F-S" of Topic Maps) ; The Potential Value of TMs for KO ; Temporary Impediments to TM Adoption: KO Prejudices ; KO Challenges That Recur with TMs ; Examples of KO Issues That Recur with TMs. -- Illustrative Examples ; Shorter Examples of Fruitful KO with TMs ; Toward a TM on KO Resources: First Experiences. -- A Look into the Future: Toward Innovative TM-Based Information Services ; Summary ; Acknowledgments ; Selected Abbreviations ; References ; 16. Prediction: A Profound Paradigm Shift, Kathleen M. Fisher ; Language ; Transmitting the Word ; Lightness of Being ; A Brief History of Knowledge Representation and Education ; The Ephemeral Nature of Many New Ideas ; What the Research Suggests about Knowledge Representation and Learning ; Students Learn from Semantic Networks ; Students' Models Become Increasingly Similar to Instructors' Models ; Constructing Semantic Networks Alters the Ways We Think and Learn ; Semantic Network-Based Courses Teach, Not Just Tell ; Understanding Relations Is Understanding. -- A Paradigm Shift: Patterning Speech to Patterning Thought ; Summary ; Acknowledgments ; References ; 17. Topic Maps, the Semantic Web, and Education, Jack Park ; What Is the Semantic Web? ; How Can Topic Maps Play an Important Role in the Semantic Web? ; What's Next? ; Education on the Web ; Constructivist Learning Theory ; Principles of Constructivist Learning ; Toward Constructivist Learning Environments ; IBIS ; Topic Maps ; Toward an Implementation ; An Application. -- Closing Salvo ; References ; Glossary ; Appendix A: Tomatoes Topic Map ; Appendix B: Topic Map for Chapter 9 ; Appendix C: XSLT Style Sheet for Chapter 9 ; Appendix D: Genealogical Topic Map ; Index.