Vectors & Coordinate Systems for Electromagnetics

This book is aimed to provide the basic preparatory material to the students who wish to study the electromagnetism as part of their course study. In the discussion of different concepts of electromagnetism, use of vectors and coordinates systems are unavoidable. Most of the books avoid details of these topics due to scope of the book or the syllabus. Most of the students take it for granted the formulae stated in the book. Some students when try to understand the three dimensional aspects of the coordinate systems they find some confusion. To help student clear their concepts on these aspects and to answer how different readily given expressions are derived we have come forward to write this book.

The book starts discussion from very basic definitions of vector terminology and then relates this with the coordinate systems. Most needed coordinate systems are Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. These systems are discussed from the basic level and culminate into the derivations of the longer expressions. As problems are already available in the books of similar nature authors have not included them in this book.

It is hoped that this book would clear most of the concepts needed to study the electromagnetism.