It Came From Outa The Attic
註釋This one is a collection of humorous and heartwarming stories about a young teen Southern boy living in an early 1960s Georgia town called Garden City. When the adult version of Hozer, our hero, goes into his parents' attic some fifty years later, he discovers just how perilous that space really is, what with all the emotional boobie traps lurking up there to remind him of his mis-spent youth. Will his low-down homework eatin' stunt succeed, or will it be foiled by Fish Face Philpot? Will Fibber the cantankerous accordion cause him to bomb his piece at the Come to Jesus Commencement Recital? Will he overcome his addiction to the '17 incher'? Will he pluck up enough courage to attempt the scary ceiling slap? Will he survive Ralphie The Rat and his 'Big Bang'? And finally, whatever became of Uncle Jack and his thousand earthworms? All this and more await you in "It Came From Outa The Attic: Southern Stories Of A Mis-Spent Youth".