註釋Recognizing the perceived conflict between a belief in the value of play to early childhood development and a commitment to an early childhood pedagogical framework, this book attempts to validate play as a fundamental component of learning and an avenue through which learning outcomes can be identified and confirmed. The book is designed to enable curriculum developers and teachers to combine play with the curriculum and student progress profiles in eight key learning areas: English, Mathematics, The Arts, Studies of Society and Environment, Technology, Languages Other than English, Health and Physical Education, and Science. Play is at the forefront of outcomes-based education as an analysis tool for profiling children, and a context in which children's knowledge and abilities can be assessed. The chapters are: (1) "Profiling Children through Play: An Introduction" (Marilyn Fleer); (2) "Studies of Society and Environment--Using Play To Work towards Planned Outcomes" (Sue Dockett); (3) "Supporting Science Learning through Imaginative Play" (Marilyn Fleer and Gilda Segal); (4) "Science and Play" (Helen Sharp); (5) "Playing Around with Technology: Children Creating Multiple Learning Pathways" (Marilyn Fleer and others); (6) "Play and the Mathematics Profile" (Penny Skinner); and (7) "Play and the Language Profiles and Scales" (Laurie Makin). Contains approximately 100 references. (KDFB)