Amplification Meditation: The New Science of Awakening

Are you a textbook overthinker? Does your mind constantly run? Does it make it hard to fall asleep? Did you know you can control the mind? Did you know that it has an off switch! I know, I was pretty mad no one ever told me until now either!

Six simple steps can guide one to master the mind. It will lead them to enlightenment. It is to turn the mind off.

Is this world the way it is because you asked yourself and indeed it is? Or is it the way it is because someone told you how it was and you believed them? The truth has been written down hundreds of times before... but those books don't work!

The answer is the present moment, it is the now you have been preached! We just have not been taught to sustain it! Sustainability and the translational divide between the enlightened and the common mind masses is what Wagner tackles in this revolutionary guide.

In this genre-defining self-help guide, a normal burnt out, depressed man cuts through the crap to show us how to Awaken so that we can truly become better, happier people. For decades, we’ve been told that an enlightened person is: Peaceful and Serene. ...Loving, Kind, and Compassionate. ...Not Self-Centered. ...Emotionally Stable. ...Patient and Understanding. ...Humble. ...Insightful and Open-Minded. . "Complete bullsh*t," Adam Wagner says. "This book outlines a process that can guide one to enlightenment. The language surrounding enlightenment is fanciful and misleading. Enlightenment is to stop the mind. To stop your thoughts. As simple as that. Amplification Meditation: The New Science of Awakening is his antidote to the typical work, sleep, work, die, lifecycle we find ourselves in as a society. It is his way out! Wagner makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed cannibalism jokes, that Enlightenment hinges not on our ability to embrace the power of now,” but on being able to turn off the brain. Human beings have collectively suffered enough—" We have never been taught to stop our minds. An active mind is highly encouraged. We were educated for 18 years and then sent into the world to think ourselves into a better life. No one ever mentioned the “off switch.” You will have strong feelings I am wrong and that to turn it off would be extremely detrimental. , Wagner makes clear. This is your ego snarling at an idea that is very threatening to it. To stop the mind is to kill the ego.. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, Amplification Meditation: The New Science of Awakening is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them begin a great awakening.

We discuss Eckhart Tolle, Leo Guru, Allan Watts, and all the modern spiritual culture that has us so lost!

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