Introduction to You (TV series)
註釋"You" is a psychological thriller television series that premiered on Lifetime in 2018 and was later picked up by Netflix for its second season. The show centers around a charming and intelligent bookstore manager named Joe Goldberg, who becomes obsessed with a customer named Guinevere Beck after a chance encounter in his store. As he begins to stalk her through social media and manipulate his way into her life, Joe’s dark and dangerous personality is revealed, and his actions escalate to murder in order to eliminate anyone who threatens his relationship with Beck. The show has gained a cult following for its captivating storyline and superb acting from both Penn Badgley, who portrays Joe, and Victoria Pedretti, who plays Love Quinn, Joe’s love interest in season two. Additionally, the show explores themes such as toxic masculinity, mental illness, social media obsession, and the blurred lines of morality. Viewers are left questioning their own perceptions of love and the lengths one will go to protect it. Overall, "You" is a gripping and thought-provoking show that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.