Faithful Father - Faithful Bride

We live in perilous times. Christians are facing challenges around the world. In the Middle-East and in Africa and Asia believers are being persecuted and executed just for being Christian. In the West there are efforts to marginalize and ostracize Christians just for standing for the truth in the Word of God. In light of all of this, we are called to be the spotless Bride of Christ. We read in the Bible that in the last days, there will be a great falling away and that only those who endure to the end will be saved. Our success in this calling is dependent on our understanding of the faithfulness of God. It is only as we come to know Him and the excellence of His character that we are able to remain faithful. Even then, it will require more than just grit and determination. We must develop habits and disciplines that will position us for success. In the chapters of this book, we will discover the magnificent faithfulness of God and we will explore those disciplines that will ensure that we remain that faithful Bride.