

Communication is the main way of defusing uncertainties. Unfortunately, communication discipline itself is mined by uncertainties. We can talk about onto-epistemological uncertainties and pragmatic uncertainties of communication, about theoretical and practical uncertainties, and about primary and secondary uncertainties of communication. Uncertainties regarding the object of communication as autonomous discipline, the research methods of communication, the sources, paradigms and models of communication represent theoretical, onto-epistemological uncertainties. Pragmatic uncertainties include uncertainties in communication processes; they have a practical character. Pragmatic uncertainties are those that lead to communication failure and they consist in minor obstacles or insurmountable barriers in concrete communication. (Florentin Smarandache & Stefan Vladutescu)


The book  has  16 chapters  written  by  the  following authors and co-authors from USA, England, Poland, Slovakia, and Romania: Florentin Smarandache, Stefan Vladutescu, Mirela Teodorescu, Dan S. Stoica, Daniela Gifu, Calin Andrei, Ioan Constantin Dima, Mariana Man, Janusz Grabara, Paula Bajdor, Jim O'Brien, Andrzej Rabsztyn, Anabella-Maria Tarnovan, Adrian Nicolescu, Alina Tenescu, Nicusor Minculete, Vladimir Modrak, Sorin Mihai Radu, Alice Ionescu, Anca­ Diana Bibiri, Lucian Sacalean, Mircea Munteanu, Roxana Criu, Bogdan Constantin Neculau, Marin Dramnescu, Mihaela­Gabriela Paun, and Loredana Speriatu.