CODING is a creative activity that a student from any discipline can engage in. It is also one of the
highest-paid skills today. It helps to build computational thinking, develop problem-solving skills,
critical thinking, and exposure to real-life situations to solve issues in various realms. Problems in
both professional and personal lives can be dealt with using the knowledge of coding.
With such aims in mind, Coding is being introduced as a Skill Module of 12 hours duration in
classes 6-8. In an effort to multiply CBSE’s vision to empower students from class 6 itself, we are
releasing our series “Fun with Coding”, for classes 6 to 8. The book contains 5 chapters each for
the sake of aiding students of this age group in their programming skills development.
The books have the following features:
• Did You Know: This part gives some additional information for quenching the curiosity of
the students.
• Hot Hints: This part gives an important point that is related to the topic and the student
should know.
• Check Your Knowledge: A set of two or three questions to check how much you learned till
• Exercises: These are questions that will help students assess their own knowledge of the
chapter. This part contains MCQs, Answer the following questions, Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) and Applied Projects.
This is our effort to augment the developing talent pool in the country with the knowledge it needs
in the later years. We hope that our books will be accepted and benefited from by the student
community. Any errors or inadequacies brought to our notice will be gladly acknowledged.
— Goyal Brothers Prakashan