American Psychiatric Glossary

The "American Psychiatric Glossary" is the standard reference for definitions, abbreviations, medication names, and legal terms of interest to mental health professionals. Now in its long-awaited eighth edition, this classic resource has been revised and expanded to reflect major changes in the field since the last edition was published in 1994.

More than 500 new terms have been added, making the eighth edition of the "American Psychiatric Glossary" the most complete concise compendium of psychiatric terminology available today. It includes a great many legal terms that reflect the growing importance of psychiatry in litigation. These terms will help both practitioners and attorneys understand the ways in which these terms relate to psychiatry.

The new edition also includes a greatly expanded medication table, with brief details on the increased numbers of psychiatric drugs available today, including current names, applications, and areas of intended effectiveness. It also includes information on nontraditional treatments that are growing in popularity, such as St. John's wort, kava-kava, and acupuncture.

Although standard terms keyed to DSM-IV-TR still form the foundation of the "American Psychiatric Glossary," the editors have revamped the explanations of the terms to make them more accessible to a broad audience. Psychiatric practitioners, researchers, attorneys--and anyone else interested in mental health issues--will find the "American Psychiatric Glossary," Eighth Edition, an excellent source for quick information.