City on A Hill Prayer Journal
Diana Crews
Xulon Press
, 2007-03
Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational
City on a Hill Prayer Journal - For the mother who's worried about the toll of society on her children - For the father anxious about providing for his family's future - For the grandparents who want their grandchildren to have a godly heritage - For anyone single or otherwise who wants to draw closer to the great I Am. This Journal is for You!!! Watch the story of your life unfold with spiritual eyes and record it. Your heart will swell as you see the magnitude of his compassion. This book will help enlarge your territory as you stand in the gap where needed. It will help you remember and lift up names in prayer. Life with God is abundant! Savor God's blessings and share the Legacy for all the world to see that he is good and his love endures forever. Diana Crews, has served in the Department of Human Resources for over 25 years. Man has tried to find ways to solve the ills of society but only God has the answer and the peace that passes understanding. This journal has been a recording of God's grace. It has been a means to a closer walk with God. It has inspired new avenues of praising God through a program called City on a Hill Radio Show (please visit cityonahillradioshow.org). In collaboration with Debbie Head, Dan Fraley, Stephanie Taylor, and Annette Griswold, -this journal hopes to lead you to a brand new adventure of seeing God daily in your life and others. We hope it will be your witness tool and may you give Him all the praise and glory.