Funny Feelings Aren't Funny
註釋The book follows a series of gender-neutral and non-race-specific characters in a variety of situations which could be perceived as unsafe depending on the reader's own experience of child abuse or trauma. The characters experience an array of physiological reactions such as 'butterflies' in the stomach or a 'pounding heart' which indicate that something about the situation is 'not quite right'. For children who have difficulty or are too young to understand that these reactions are a natural way to alert them to potentially unsafe situations, this book can assist health professionals, schools and child protection agencies in identifying potentially at risk children and opening the lines of communication. The book also includes mixed-ability characters to broaden its use for children with disabilities which, according to research, are some of the most vulnerable members of our community. My hope is that it will be exposed as a highly useful tool which will be implemented to protect all of our children.