Cock and Bull

 Leah is new to Texas and naïve to the lustful desires of men.  The handsome man with thick, dark hair takes her breath away, but she doesn’t know his dark secrets and the past that nearly destroyed him.  He wants her, in his life and in his bed, but eventually pushes her away and into the arms of another man.  When the new man learns the identity of the man who betrayed the young, beautiful woman who is now his, he vows to do anything to prevent her from learning the truth.  It would ruin him.  She must never know.




The two newly minted lovers did not awaken until the sun’s rays made their way through the thin curtains of the east window.  Leah woke first, alarmed that she had spent the night in the arms of a stranger.


Cam kissed her a long lingering kiss, but he knew that soon she would be leaving for Houston to begin her new life.  As she dressed, he watched her every movement.


When she stepped into the hallway, she was immediately confronted by him.  He was dressed in nice pants and a crisp white shirt, and was holding a tie in his hand.  Leah swore her heart stopped at that moment.  She stared at the tie in Camden’s hand and watched as he swung it back and forth.


“Did you find what you were looking for?”


“What are you talking about?”


Camden turned to her, smiling at the look of fear on her young face, as he stood with his hands on his hips, confronting her. 


“Are you afraid of me, Leah?” he asked.


“No.  I wanted you,” she whispered.


He leaned down and touched her face.  “That’s sweet, honey, but who did you really want to be with tonight?”


“You… I wanted you.”  She took a deep breath and wondered what happened to the nice man she had met earlier.  He now seemed different, unbalanced, and she needed to get away from him.