Many Pathways for Discovery
註釋Many Pathways for Discovery is a manual for metadata practitioners learning music cataloging for the first time, as well as a ready reference tool for more experienced practitioners. It is intended to serve as a companion guide to general music cataloging instruction, focusing on what has traditionally been considered the more advanced skillset of “subject analysis.” It provides guidance for answering the “W-questions” about music content: What is it? (genre/form); What is it for, or, How is it performed? (medium of performance); Who is it by and Who is it for? (demographic aspects); When was it created? (chronological aspects); Where was it created? (geographic aspects) This book is primarily geared toward a metadata environment based on MARC 21 encoding and on vocabularies developed by the Library of Congress, namely, the Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT), the Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT), and the Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). Comparisons to legacy practices involving Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are included. Additional chapters address encoding of faceted descriptors in Linked Data environments, and on discovery possibilities for end users. A bibliography of foundational and supplemental resources is provided.