Promises and Sweet Memories

With each step forward, the women of Whisling seem to be pushed two steps back. But these passionate and powerful women aren't giving up anytime soon. They will work for that long-awaited promise of a bright and better tomorrow.

Nora's day has finally come. She is about to reunite with her daughter, Amber, after more than twenty years apart. But when an unexpected party begins to voice her hesitation to the idea of Nora being in Amber's life again, will they overcome the odds once more or will Nora lose the chance to have a relationship with her child once again?

Alexis is ready to move on. She's stronger and proud of who she is. She can conquer the world. But can she begin dating again? Lou is sure she has just the man for Alexis and he does seem perfect, but this guy comes with baggage, maybe more baggage than Alexis can handle?

Life on Whisling couldn't be any better for Julia. But one phone call changes all of that. With her estranged family coming out of the woodwork, Julia isn't sure what to do. She knows that her family has burned her more than once, but can one truly turn her back on family?

Olivia and Dean are finally together. And they are happy. Oh so very happy. But then comes news that no one was expecting. Least of all Dean. An unimaginable heartbreak. Can Olivia and Dean's fledging relationship withstand that kind of strain?

These women of Whisling are about to take it all on. And as they do, they learn that while nothing in the future is certain, sweet memories of the past can promise what's to come will be magnificent. Get your copy of Promises and Sweet Memories today!