
Praised by "The New York Times" as "one of the most distinctive voices in magazine journalism, " the "Utne Reader"'s mission has been to uncover the important and inspiring news that the major media overlooks. Now, with that same dedication, the editors of "Utne" have profiled more than sixty of the world's most original thinkers who are often right at the center of that news, focusing on their ideas, their inspiration, and their visions of the future.

These are not the usual "visionaries." Coming from monasteries and urban ghettos, working at architecture firms and restaurants, living in Berkeley and Bangladesh, being under 35 and over 80, the visionaries in this book share one crucial asset: hope for the future. Hope for finding broader meaning and greater joy in our lives. Hope for the restoration of the planet. Hope for a social and economic order that uses the welfare of the weakest, not the strongest, as its gauge of success.

Well-illustrated with photographs of the subjects who are grouped into six categories-spirit, design, environment, social action, health, and culture-"Visionaries" is an inspiring and invaluable resource that will have profound appeal for activists, concerned citizens and all those "cultural creatives" who make up "Utne"'s 600,000 loyal readers.

Folk-rock musician, Ani DiFranco
Nobel Peace Prize winner, Thich Nhat Hahn
Pagan witch, Starhawk
Catholic priest, Thomas Berry
Eco-architect, William McDonough
Feminist scholar, bell hooks
Sustainable business guru, Paul Hawken

Marketing for Visionaries:
"Utne Reader" will heavily promote in their magazine and website
National print advertising
National publicity
Author events in Minnesota
Co-op available

Table of Contents

Foreword by Eric Utne

The Spirit Moving Us

Thomas Berry
Satish Kumar
Stephen & Ondrea Levine
Thich Nhat Hahn
Zalman Schachter-Shalomiv

The Sense of Community

Ernesto Cortes Jr.
Roberta Brandes Gratz
Jane Jacobs