Utjecaj tjelesne građe na pojavu lumbalnog bolnog sindroma
註釋Introduction. The causes for one of the most outstanding modern humans health trobles - the low back pain (LBP) are numerous. The endogenous factors represents properties of human body. Some of them are analysed in the present article. Aim of the study: To evaluate the presence of: - differences in humanbody dimensions between people with LBP and controls without these troubles; - differences in human body dimensions between people with frequent LBP and work-loss in contrast to controls without these troubles; - differences in incidence of LBP dependent on size of each anthropometric parameter observed. Study design: Observational research, case-control study. Subjects: Sample of population, 122 male bus drivers, average age 44,2 years, average working years 24,4. Methods: The history of LBP was evaluated by use of questionnaire. Direct measurement of several anthropometric parameters were made on each subject. The following anthropometric indexes were calculated: Quetelet's index, relative body weight, Olivier's typological index, Lorenzo's constitutional index, muscular index and pressure on intervertebral disc L5-S1. Results: Results showed no statistical significant differences in any of the observed anthropometric parameters between test group (people with LBP) and controls. The same was true for subjects with frequent LBP and work-loss and controls. Even when the subjects were divided in groups according to different size of individual anthropometric parameter there were also no statistical significant differences in presence of LBP. In the observed sample of subjects the impact of the degree of nourishment, body building and constitution on the appearance of LBP showed no statistical significance. Also the physical burdening of intervertebral disc measured as pressure on disc L5-S1 seems to be irrelevant for appearance of LBP in observed population.