The Gypsies' Tale
註釋When a gypsy couple grow tired of the traveling life, they clear a spot of land in a deep wood and build a cottage. Their days are filled with both hard work and simple pleasures--including the company of a sprightly young cherry tree. But one year the countryside suffers a severe dry spell. The gypsy wife resents the birds feeding on the few remaining cherries; and at her insistence, her husband hangs wind chimes on the branches to keep them away. When the birds nevertheless continue to give freely of their song, the women relents and allows them to feed on the cherries and, in return for that good deed, she receives from the grateful birds a priceless gift to last a lifetime. They show the couple the way to a small grove of young trees heavy with cherries. The couple carry home as many cherries as they can. The wife tenderly plants a cherry pit beside their beloved old cherry tree outside the kitchen window as that faithful old cherry tree begins to die. In a few years, a new tree laden with cherries will sway in the breeze outside their kitchen window reminding them of their first cherry tree.