註釋Among the joys for lawyers who defend life sciences companies is plunging into new areas of science and medicine and working with top experts in these fields. With each case they take a deep dive into the intricacies of some specific, frequently very narrow, area of science and medicine. This book is meant to provide some background knowledge, and act as a starting point, for science basics in areas that drug and medical device lawyers commonly see. It will help the reader go into a meeting with an expert a little smarter and prepared to ask the right questions. By no means does this book attempt to tackle every granularity of the topics it covers; rather, it is intended to provide a high-level overview of those topics and to highlight tips and lessons learned from the esteemed contributing authors who have defended their clients in cases involving those areas of science. The book begins with an overview of the key legal concepts that lie at the intersection of science and law, giving context for why knowing the science is critical to defending life sciences cases. The book then moves onto specific areas of science.