Trials & Errors

In 1989, former Winnipeg Blue Bomber Brian Jack stood accused of murdering his wife Christine. Leading the prosecution team, John D. Montgomery won a conviction against him, but after three trials, numerous appeals and two appearances before the Supreme Court of Canada, that court entered a judicial stay of proceedings. Brian Jack is a free man even though he was convicted of manslaughter at his third trial. Now retired, Montgomery reminds us that all the evidence pointed clearly to Brian Jack's guilt and takes some of Canada's senior jurists to task over what he believes was a colossal miscarriage of justice. "What happened to Christine Jack? One day, she vanished off the face of the earth. In this provocative account, prosecutor John Montgomery makes it plain what he thinks happened to Christine Jack. She was murdered, although her body was never found. In a stunning condemnation of Canada's justice system, Mr. Montgomery points the finger at the judges who let Christine Jack down and he levels a direct challenge to the man he says is responsible for Christine Jack's disappearance. The book is a gripping and provocative true-crime yarn, told only the way an insider could tell it."