
Christians are not on a mission for God; his church is on his mission—the mission of bringing the grace of Christ to sinners; the mission of bringing the whole world into obedience to Christ; and the mission of filling the world with his fame and glory.

Being on God's mission means following Jesus into the world, often an evil and frightening place. It is a place of idolatry, relativism, and secularism; it is a place where sexual abuse and child abuse occur; it is a place of pain and poverty and disease; it is a place of sexual dysfunction.

But it was to this place that Jesus came, and we do him honor as we follow him into the world bringing the good news of the total redeeming work of Christ.

Reformed Means Missional gathers Reformed leaders from all across the globe to demonstrate why and how the church must be on God's mission of bringing grace, holiness, compassion, and justice to a world of sin and suffering.