
let me be the universe inside you,

to make you feel denser,

then the world outside

In a world full of magic and mysteries, did I make it more look like a fairytale?

Ummm no...

Tanya always thinks that the reality of life when written on sheets, read by different eyes makes it a tale. This book has something for everyone. Not dividing it into various segments she wishes to highlight that even if we divide our goods and bad into different phases all we miss is to count them as a whole. Appreciate them for bringing us, what we are today.

Because if we haven't cried we never knew who can make us cry and who wipes them, who never brings them. If we never laughed our heart out we never met the union which unite us to ourselves.

We all have different types of rain still what we search for is an umbrella. The moment we lose our shine, we wish for sun to tell us are meant to shine. Maybe her tries of telling everything ends after certain pages but your universe has no end, no boundaries. So move on for your voyage to share words and bring new stories.

its ok,

Not all stories are happy.