Written by experienced A-level examiners and teachers who know exactly what students need to succeed, and edited by a chief examiner, Philip Allan Literature Guides (for A-level) are invaluable study companions with exam-specific advice to help you to get the grade you need.
This full colour guide includes:
- detailed scene summaries and sections on themes, characters, form, structure, language and contexts
- a dedicated 'Working with the text' section on how to write about texts for coursework and controlled assessment and how to revise for exams
- Taking it further boxes on related books, film adaptations and websites
- Pause for thought boxes to get you thinking more widely about the text
- Task boxes to test yourself on transformation, analysis, research and comparison activities
- Top 10 quotes
PLUS FREE REVISION RESOURCES at www.philipallan.co.uk/literatureguidesonline, including a glossary of literary terms and concepts, revision advice, sample essays with student answers and examiners comments, interactive questions, revision podcasts, flash cards and spider diagrams, links to unmissable websites, and answers to tasks set in the guide.