註釋This is neither a novel nor is it a book on Church history. This book is written with human relationships in mind. It is written by a counselling psychologist to help nurture and support the ways through which we relate with one another. And that makes it both educational and entertaining to anyone who really wants to follow more on the dynamics of human relationships in the family or within the larger society. Somehow many people become ensnared by their relationships and become slaves to those interests and things who have shared their passions. Even though some cultures may be in self-denial, this does not take away the fact of the universal problems in human relationships. With this book, I am replacing doctrinal clichs with simple everyday stories that may help people to freshly comprehend the love of God. As a beneficiary of the immense universe of graciousness I want to point to those roots which may sustain and nurture the human family around us. The love of God makes the Gospel shine brighter in the warmth of Jesus sacrificial love for the world. How was the life lived out in those days? Not having books to depict such everyday relationships, I decided to write on such an amazing subject of becoming love-shaped people in our relationships. The world is full of challenges arising from different cultural expectations; it is in grasping some of the issues that we are able to contribute a purposeful response as individuals. I hope that this book would clarify experiences and more importantly raise questions that would stimulate community leaders to develop further social cohesion and friendship.